Work Health and Safety

Top 10 Workplace Safety Tips for Employees

top 10 workplace safety tips for employees

Top 10 Workplace Safety Tips for Employees A workplace is considered decent only if it provides safe working conditions for its employees. Therefore, workplace safety isn't just a priority; it's a necessity. Because it minimises the likelihood of employees sustaining injuries or ending up in accidents. Based on the report…

Preventing Accidents and Injuries with Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace

preventing accidents and injuries with drug and alcohol testing

Preventing Accidents and Injuries with Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace In today’s fast-paced and competitive work environments, safety is a top priority for both employers and employees. Preventing accidents and injuries with drug and alcohol testing in the workplace is one of the most effective ways to safeguard…

Upskilling Your Workforce: Why WHS Training Matters for Career Development

upskilling your workforce why WHs training matters for career development

Upskilling Your Workforce: Why WHS Training Matters for Career Development Work Health and Safety (WHS) training has long been seen as a necessary aspect of running a compliant business, but it’s much more than a box-ticking exercise. In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, upskilling your workforce in WHS provides not only…

Promoting a Culture of Safety: Leadership and Communication Strategies

promoting a culture of safety

Promoting a Culture of Safety: Leadership and Communication Strategies Creating a culture of safety within an organisation is not only about enforcing rules and regulations. Promoting a culture of safety requires a shift in mindset, led from the top down, where safety becomes an intrinsic part of daily operations. Strong…

6 Tips To Combat Worker Fatigue

combat worker fatigue

6 Tips To Combat Worker Fatigue October is National Safe Work month. This initiative, launched by Safe Work Australia, aims to start conversations about creating a safer workplace through education and discussions. So, let's take a detailed look at worker fatigue. How does it affect the workplace? How can we…

How To Travel Safely On Work Trips

travel safely on work trips

How To Travel Safely On Work Trips October is National Safe Work Month. This initiative was started by Safe Work Australia to get people talking about Work Health and Safety. You can learn more about this initiative here. When we’re working in our offices, work health and safety has already…

Dealing With Difficult Customers

dealing with difficult customers

Dealing With Difficult Customers October is National Safe Work Month. This initiative was started by Safe Work Australia to open up a dialogue about keep the workplace safe. Everything from work health and safety seminars to mental health at work and customer abuse falls under the purview of Safe Work…

Bullying In The Workplace

bullying in the workplace

Bullying In The Workplace October is National Safe Work Month. National Safe Work Month is an initiative started by Safe Work Australia and it runs for the whole month of October. Safe Work Australia started this initiative to try and bring awareness to workplace health and safety issues including mental…

5 Steps To a Safer Workplace

steps to a safer workplace

5 Steps To a Safer Workplace October is National Safe Work Month. This is a time for businesses to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace for their staff, free from physical and psychological danger. Safe Work Australia started National Safe Work month as an incentive to get businesses…

Your Guide to Dealing With Burnout

dealing with burnout

Your Guide to Dealing With Burnout Burnout is real and it’s becoming as commonplace around the office as memos, zoom meetings and water cooler discussions on the latest Netflix series. Australians are the most burnt out workers in the world according to research completed by recruitment company Adecoo, 53% of…

Why is Work Health and Safety Important?

why is work health and safety important

Why is Work Health and Safety Important? Work health and safety is paramount in the workplace and not just because it is legally required but because it makes for a safer, more productive workplace. Workplace health and safety minimises the risk of injury and illness in the workplace. WHS doesn’t…

Fire Warden Hat Colours Explained

fire warden hat colours

Fire Warden Hat Colours Explained Everyone has participated in a fire drill at their workplace at one time or another. The drill starts and your designated office fire warden, easily identified by their hat and ability to command a room of mildly irritated office workers, leads you all to the…

Firefighting Training for the Workplace

firefighting training for the workplace

Firefighting Training for the Workplace The concept of firefighting training for the workplace can be daunting. The idea of facing a fire in your office is not a pleasant thought. But as any work health and safety officer will tell you, this training is essential to ensure the safety of…

Firefighting Equipment You Need For Your Workplace

firefighting equipment

Firefighting Equipment You Need For Your Workplace You know the drill. The practice fire drills you need to do in workplaces regularly to meet workplace health and safety requirements that is. But do you know what kind of firefighting equipment you might need in your workplace? Depending on what your…

Are OHS and WHS the Same? Navigating the Terms for Work Health and Safety

are ohs and whs the same

Are OHS and WHS the same? Navigating the terms for Work Health and Safety The field of Occupational or Work Health and Safety is highly regulated and at times complex. Between the laws and the ongoing training, the field of WHS (Work Health and Safety) can be difficult to navigate…

How to become a Health and Safety Advisor


How to become a Health and Safety Advisor You may have seen jobs being advertised for a Health and Safety Advisor and wondered what exactly is this? And why are there so many jobs going in this area? The boom in this area of employment is partially due to the…

How To Get A Work Health And Safety Job

work health and safety job

How To Get A Work Health And Safety Job Do you have a natural ability to recognise, evaluate and manage health and safety hazards in the workplace? Perhaps, you are a strong advocate for achieving workplace change regarding health and wellbeing? If this is the case, a work health and…

How to be become a Drug and Alcohol Tester

drug and alcohol tester

How to be become a Drug and Alcohol Tester The need for Drug and Alcohol testing has risen across many different sectors and industries. In Australia, employers have a duty of care to provide a safe and productive working environment and to ensure that employees won’t be at any risk…

How to become a Health and Safety Representative


How to become a Health and Safety Representative With Health and Safety Representatives being a requirement at many companies these days you might be wondering - What does a Health and Safety Representative do? How do they become qualified and how do they get elected? What do Health and Safety…

Changes to White Card Online QLD

white card online

Changes to White Card Online QLD Asset College continue to get a number of enquiries in relation to delivering White Card courses online. Since February 2019, White Card online courses were no longer allowed in QLD. From this time the only states that were allowed to deliver White Card online…

Bad Workplace Health and Safety is Expensive

workplace health and safety

Bad Workplace Health and Safety is Expensive Whether you work with heavy equipment or in an office setting, effective workplace health and safety (WHS) measures are vital for your business. Everyone has the right to return home safely and securely after a long day of work. But did you know…

Safety In Your Small Business – It’s Important!

safety in your small business

Work health and safety in businesses is one of the most over-looked areas, given very little attention in comparison to other areas of the business on a day to day basis. However, ensuring that your small business has safety practices in place from day 1 can ensure not only your…

An Auditors Checklist: Prepare a WHS internal audit for your business

prepare a whs internal audit

An Auditors Checklist How To Prepare a WHS Internal Audit For Your Business [Updated 14th of March, 2023] When people hear you say audit, it can cause a shiver to run down their spine. But it doesn’t have too! Auditors are nothing to be feared, so long as you are…

Anxiety In The Workplace – Supporting Your Work Mates

anxiety in the workplace

Anxiety In The Workplace - Supporting Your Work Mates Does your alarm going off fill you with dread? Are you shaking with fear at the prospect of heading into the office or putting off going to sleep because it means the next day will start?   If you’re not, count yourself…

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