How Much Does the Security Guard Course Cost?
[Updated October 13th, 2023]
The security industry has a certain allure.
It offers variety, a way to get out of the office onto your feet, the chance to help people and a flexible roster that can work around study or family commitments.
It’s no wonder the security courses are some of our popular qualifications at ASSET
But if you’re thinking about making the switch to an exciting career in the security sector you might have a few questions about the course.
To read all about the process for becoming a security guard you can check out this post here.
One of most common questions we receive from prospective students is to do with the cost of becoming a security guard. How much does the security guard course cost and how much does it cost to apply for your security guard licence, what kind of funding is there for the course and how much do you make once you’re working in the industry.
These are important considerations for someone wanting to make the move into the security industry. But don’t worry we’re here to break it all down for you.
The Security Course Costs
To become a security guard you’ll need to complete the Certificate II in Security Operations.
This is the course required to apply for your Security Guard Licence in any state or territory. The cost of the Certificate II in Security Operations standard fee is $1500 but there is some funding that you may be able to access.
The Funding – QLD Only
The Certificate II in Security Operations with ASSET is funded under the Certificate 3 Guarantee by the QLD Government for eligible participants.
This means if you are:
- over the age of 15 and no longer at school
- are an Australian Citizen or Permanent resident or on the path to residency with the necessary working visas
- and you have not completed or are currently enrolled in a certificate 3 or higher qualification you be eligible for the Certificate 3 Guarantee funding.
If you are successful in the application for this funding the QLD government will cover the cost of the course and you will only have to pay a small student co-contribution fee of either $14 or $42 depending on if you hold a current healthcare card.
Not sure if you qualify for the funding? Contact our team and we will do a eligibility check with you.
If you don’t think you’d qualify for this funding but you are currently unemployed talk with your Job Active Provider about other funding options you may be able to access.
Payment Plans
If you don’t qualify for any of the funding schemes, don’t sweat it.
There are payment plan options that you can utilise to study now and pay later.
You can set up and pay through a zipMoney account with up to 6 months interest free.
The Licence
Once you have completed your Certificate II in Security Operations and received your certificates it’s time to apply for your security guard licence.
While this course is nationally recognised, each state or territory has it’s own licensing requirements. Therefore, you should complete training in the state you wish to be licensed.
The licensing process and body will differ depending on the state that you reside in.
Successful participants will be eligible to apply to the Office of Fair Trading for a Class 1 Security Providers Licence with the licence functions:
- Security Officer (Unarmed)
- Monitoring (Monitoring no longer requires additional training in order to be added as a function to your security licence).
- Crowd Controller
QLD Security Providers Licence Applications are processed by the Office of Fair Trading after completing your course.
Fees are payable for the licence application, criminal history check and fingerprinting. These fees are not included in the course fee and should be paid separately to the Office of Fair Trading with your licence application.
Licensed Crowd Controllers and Bodyguards in QLD are required to complete refresher training every 3 years.
View the licensing website for more information.
From 21 January 2020, for unarmed security officers & crowd controllers licences your training must include all 14 core modules from CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations for new licences.
Northern Territory
You can find more information about licensing in the Northern Territory on the Northern Territory Government Website.
You must complete a NT Police fingerprint check including spent convictions for the purpose of security through SAFE NT.
South Australia
Information about licensing requirements for South Australia can be found here.
Once you have obtained your security licence, you are required to complete an additional unit in order to gain employment at a licensed premises.
When competent you can apply to the Commissioner of Liquor and Gambling for additional licensing.
Old CPP20212 Certificate II in Security Operations qualifications will not be accepted for new licences after 1 August 2020.
Western Australia
We ensure our students have the knowledge and skills to not only be confident in their chosen job but also to pass the WA Police examination to get licensed in WA.
This course meets the requirements for a Security Officer’s Licence and a Crowd Controller’s Licence.
Review the steps to obtain your security licence in WA here.
Information about licensing requirements for Tasmania can be found here.
Licensing in this state continue to accept units from the old CPP20212 packages until 30 September 2020. After this date only units from the new Cert II CPP20218 will be accepted.
New South Wales
This training is only for new licences, however if an existing licence is not renewed on time you will have to contact SLED to find out if you have to do the new training.
You can view more about security licensing on the NSW SLED website here.
As of 1 July 2020 all RTOs will be delivering the new CPP20218 unarmed guard and crowd control.
Evidence of training that has not previously been provided is valid for 12 months from the date of completion.
You do not need to do new training if renewing unless your licence expires or is cancelled for 12 months or more, you will have to reapply and you will have to provide new training certificates.
If you have been out of the industry (have not held a security licence) for more than 12 months, training qualifications or statements will not be accepted.
For more information about licensing in Victoria, please visit the Victoria Police website.
How Much do Security Guards Make
The rate for security guards varies depending on what kind of job you are doing, what pay level you are on, what hours you are working and whether you are on a casual, part-time or full-time rate with their company.
But it’s important to know what you’re entitled to.
As a qualified and licensed Security Officer you fall under the Security Services Award MA000016.
You can find out more about your rights in the industry and the pay rate here.
If you’d like to know more about getting into security you can attend one of our Free Security Career information sessions or contact us today to discuss your options in this exciting industry.