Becoming a Plaintiff Investigator
Investigations is a very competitive field.
Here at ASSET we receive lots of enquiries every week about getting into this exciting industry. And it’s no wonder considering the intrigue that a career in investigations offers and the fact that this industry is predicted to grow by 15.6% in the next 5 years.
But what does a Plaintiff Investigator do?
An Investigator could work for a company or complete various contracts for both individuals or companies.
For example, the RSPCA employs Investigators to go out into the field and investigate animal cruelty cases.
A company may employ an Investigator for a case where a worker has been claiming workers compensation but appears to be fit and healthy.
An individual may employ an Investigator on a fidelity case.
Private investigators could choose to concentrate on finding missing persons or performing background checks.
Sometimes they will choose to become involved in criminal cases assisting alongside law enforcement in an investigation.
The kind of work investigators do changes from contract to contract but skills they employ remain the same; observation, research, surveillance and interviews.
What skills do Plaintiff Investigators need?
Investigators use keen observation skills to conduct surveillance, gather information, conduct interviews and generally investigate a subject or situation. At the end of the day, the job of a PI boils down to exposing the truth.
While it’s not all magnum PI out there in the field there’s still plenty to love about this exciting field.
Oliver Lawerence from OJT Investigations told Asset “The most interesting part of being a Private Investigator is being nosey and being able to find things out that people can’t find out. And having the satisfaction that if someone is not guilty of an offense they have been charged with we can find some evidence that supports the fact that they are not guilty, that’s a really good part of the job.”
This industry attracts a lot of ex-law enforcement, investigative journalists and ex-military personnel. Their previous experience serves them well in investigations.
What do I need to be a Plaintiff Investigator?
Private investigators have to adhere to a strict set of laws that are dictated by the state in which they operate. In Queensland this is governed by the Office of Fair Trading, and the Investigators will require a Private Investigator licence.
To be able to apply for this licence PIs need to complete a Certificate III in Investigative Services. This is the course required to be ab apply to hold your Private Investigator license and become a plaintiff investigator.
The course includes 15 units and it is delivered online through self-paced, trainer supported study. The course includes units in surveillance, preparing and presenting evidence in court, conducting interviews and taking statements, compiling investigative reports and locating your subject to name a few.
If you’re interested in getting into this exciting field, contact one of our friendly course advisors today and see how ASSET can help you realise your career goals.
Thinking about other areas of this industry? Why not look at whether security might be a good job for you!