Private Investigations Isn’t Actually What You Think It Is…


Private Investigations Isn’t Actually What You Think It Is..

When you think of investigators, what comes to mind? Taking pictures of cheating spouses, hiding in bushes, conjugating with crims to get the insider scoop of what’s going on in the underbelly…

That is a pretty common and misconceived stereotype of a Private Investigator. In fact, Investigators in Australia are employed to far more things than that.

Working in investigations, while a niche industry can offer you a rewarding and interesting career with real prospects of employment. Employment that usually doesn’t involve hiding in bushes.

Law Firms

Just like in the TV shows, law firms hire Private Investigators to do all of the dirty work for them. This could involve digging into the personal lives of defendants in the online world as well as interviewing friends, colleagues and acquaintances of parties on the other side of the lawsuit. This could mean investigating large corporations or just individual people.

Animal Welfare Groups

A number of animal welfare groups such as the RSPCA hire Investigators to carry out animal welfare work across Australia. A Certificate III in Investigative Services is helpful for securing a role in one of these groups if you are an animal lover wanting to fight against animal cruelty. Find out more about becoming an Inspectorate here. 

Centrelink and Government Contracts

We all know that people try to de-fraud the system. So, to combat this the government hires Investigators for departments such as social and family services to ensure that correct benefits are going to people who really deserve them. These people may also sometimes be called Case Workers. Find out more about becoming a Case Worker here. 


Insurance companies will also hire Private Investigators to again ensure that the claims people are making on their insurances are actually real and a person or company does in-fact need to be paid out the monies for the claim. While you may be following people around in an instance like this, you don’t need to dress like Sherlock Holmes.

So, did you know that all of those industries require Private Investigators in order to carry out their daily business operations? You do now!

The opportunities are broad when you study a Certificate III in Investigative Services and you are not limited to just one industry!

Enquire today about how you can become a Private Investigator.

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