Studying Security Is a Confidence Boost

pamela fraser

Studying Security Is a Confidence Boost

“I finished the course with a sense of confidence I have never felt.”

Pamela was looking for a way to break back into the workforce.

“I needed to get back into the workforce after 2 years of being a full-time carer for my mother.”

But this time she was looking for a change.

“I didn’t want to return to the kinds of work I had already done in the past. I wanted a new venture, something that would challenge me.”

When Pamela first considered security, she had some misgivings.

“When you think of security you think big bouncer guys at night clubs etc.”

But she soon found that these cliches didn’t represent the industry.

“I researched and soon realised that it was much more varied than that.”

Pamela attended a free security career information session which showed her that security was more than just bouncing at a club. This helped her to make the decision to embark on a career in security.

She enrolled in the CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations.

Attending the training and the overall environment at ASSET helped Pamela to feel at home.

“I had a great trainer who was a wealth of knowledge and experience and made friendships with other students.”

That being said, taking on the course felt challenging at times for Pamela.

“I did feel overwhelmed as I hadn’t studied for a long time, but we worked as a team and helped each other through.”

And getting through the course really helped boost her confidence.

“My confidence increased knowing I had learnt a new skill and discovered abilities in myself I didn’t even know I possessed.”

Pamela is excited to get out into the industry and expand on her classroom experiences. But until then she’s exploring other options.

“Since graduation I have been working shifts as an event team member while I wait for my licence to arrive. I have visited venues for the first time, watched and learnt from other more experienced staff on the job and enjoyed getting out in the workforce again.”

The whole experience has been a confidence boost and Pamela is looking forward to expanding on her skills and studying in the future.

“Thanks to Asset College I am open now to more study in the future and it will certainly be with them.”

Do you need a confidence boost like Pamela? Register for one of our career sessions to see if security might be the way you get back into the workforce too!

If you have some questions about the security industry or want to enrol, you can also contact us.

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