Posts Tagged ‘aviation security’

How to Become an Aviation Security Officer

how to become an aviation security officer

How to Become an Aviation Security Officer If you've ever hopped on a plane you would have dealt with an aviation security officer. These security professionals are the ones who take you through screening at the airport, X-ray your luggage and monitor airport activities to ensure the safety of the…

What Security Role Best Suits You?

what security role best suits you

What Security Role Best Suits You? So, you have decided to get into the exciting field of security? That’s great! But what kind of security do you want to do? The great thing about security is how varied and diverse the industry is. There are so many different kinds of…

How to Upskill in the Security Industry

how to upskill in the security industry

How to Upskill in the Security Industry So, you’ve completed your Certificate II in Security Operations, you have your security licence, and you’ve been working as a security guard and loving it! It’s just the right job for you and you’re excited to go to work every day. But now…

Jobs in Airport Security

jobs in airport security

Jobs in Airport Security It holds a certain gravatas doesn't it? Working in airport security certainly has appeal for those who want to do something of importance and value in their career. Working in the airport in a security role is an opportunity to provide a valuable service to the…

From IT to Airport Screening

airport screening

From IT to Airport Screening Recent ASSET graduate Yuriy Popov says the Aussie TV show Border Security is the reason he changed career paths and moved from a career in information technology to airport screening. “Back in Ukraine I came across the TV show called Border Security-  Australia's Front Line…

Brisbane Airport’s home carrier to be the first jet to depart from new runway

Brisbane Airport

Brisbane Airport’s home carrier to be the first jet to depart from new runway Saturday 4 July 2020: Virgin Australia will be the first airline to depart on Brisbane’s new runway when it officially opens on Sunday, 12 July 2020. After eight years of construction and five decades of planning, the…

How To Become An Aviation Protection Officer

how to become an aviation protection officer

How to become an Aviation Protection Officer If you’ve decided it’s time for you to change careers or increase your job prospects in the security industry, Congratulations! The aviation industry is a great industry to work in – especially as a Security Officer and opens up many diverse work opportunities…

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