Posts Tagged ‘MSS Security’

Industry-First Training Scholarships and Employment Program with MSS Security and Asset College

mss security scholarships

Industry-First Training Scholarships and Employment Program with MSS Security and Asset College MSS Security has announced an industry first training initiative providing 500 Cert II training scholarships and employment for suitable people wishing to enter the security industry. This unique opportunity will also enable MSS Security to expand its already…

ASSET and HELP Enterprises Get Deadly this NAIDOC Week 2021

naidoc week

ASSET and HELP Enterprises Get Deadly this NAIDOC Week 2021 Asset College was excited to be involved in HELP Enterprises first 2021 Somerset Deadly Gathering. The series of events is aimed at bringing together first nations job seekers with training providers and employers to provide unique opportunities for our indigenous community.  Help Employment rallied several…

Asset College ‘Employer Connections’ Drives Real Employment Outcomes


Asset College ‘Employer Connections’ Drives Real Employment Outcomes Throughout COVID, Asset College continued to connect graduates to real high demand employment via a mix of complimentary pre-employment coaching, direct employer referrals and online events. We are excited to have recently recommenced our successful ‘Face to Face’ Employer Connection Events helping…

MSS Security partner with Asset College to address employment opportunities amongst an industry skill shortage in Mt Isa

mss security jobs

MSS Security partner with Asset College to address employment opportunities amongst an industry skill shortage in Mt Isa MSS Security, a leader in the Australian Security Sector, provides wide-ranging security services to all market segments via infrastructure in every state and territory and a workforce of more than 6,000 employees.…

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