Completing your RSA Queensland

rsa queensland

Completing your RSA Queensland

An RSA Queensland certificate is needed for a lot of different occupations. While the RSA qualification has been around for quite some time there is still confusion over certain aspects of the training or the certification itself!

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the RSA Queensland.

How long does an RSA last in Queensland?

If you (or your staff) completed RSA training prior to 30 June 2013, your OLGR-approved RSA certificate will expire 3 years from the date of issue.

However, as the former OLGR-sanctioned RSA course included the national training package competency, you may have also been issued the Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol at the same time. Please check your records.

If you have a statement of attainment…

A Statement of Attainment does not expire once obtained, even though the code identifying this course (currently, SITHFAB002) regularly changes. This means that if you hold a Statement of Attainment for Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol from anytime in the past, it remains current irrespective of the course code.

If you don’t have a statement of attainment…

If you did not receive a Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol at that time, prior to your OLGR certificate expiring you must complete the national training package competency, Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol.

Contact Asset College to book your RSA Queensland!

Can I do my RSA Queensland in class?

Yes, you certainly can with Asset College! We offer half-day face to face workshops at our Townsville, Logan, Gold Coast and North Lakes facilities where you can complete your RSA in class rather than having to do it online!

Can a 15 year old get an RSA in QLD?

Under the Liquor Act, children under the age of 18 may work in licensed premises; but they must not work in licensed premises that operate under an adult entertainment permit.

If your liquor licence does not include an adult entertainment permit, provisions of the Child Employment Regulation 2006 may also affect you. Specifically, minors are prohibited from:

  • being employed in licensed premises that feature activities such as topless waitressing
  • working while nude or partially nude
  • being exposed to inappropriate roles and situations, including being present while another person is nude or partially nude in the workplace.

So yes, a 15 year old can get an RSA Queensland however, you will find that most licensed venues prefer to hire persons who are 18 years or older.

Is an RSA certification valid Australia-wide?

No. An RSA certification is not valid Australia-wide as each state and territory has its own requirements for how the RSA training is completed. Some states will not accept online training and only face to face training. As liquor licensing laws are different in each state and territory therefore RSA training will need to be different.

However, if you hold an RSA certificate from another Australian state or territory and that qualification is a Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol, you can use this attainment in Queensland.

What happens if I lose my RSA Queensland certificate?

If you have completed RSA training but then lose your certificate, you will need to contact the registered training organisation (RTO) that you originally completed your training with. They will be able to re-issue your certificate. This may incur a fee for another copy of your certificate to be printed.

Asset College offers our RSA course at all of our face to face training locations through a half day workshop. You can book to complete in either Townsville, North Lakes, Logan or Gold Coast.

Book your RSA workshop with Asset College today!

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